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Praise for Reframing Change

Awesome! This is a great leadership book that should be owned by every person in a leadership position in their organization.
This book is great for coaches/ counselors/therapists. It is also a great guide for anyone managing people. If you want to be a real agent for change, then you would do well to start with this as your guide.
John Chancellor
Latting and Ramsey give us a tested framework for initiating change and they take away the excuse that someone else or some external force has to be responsible for effecting that change. As we all suspect but are reluctant to admit, change begins with us.
Dave Kinnear
Reframing Change tackles issues of diversity straight on. The chapter on Bridging Differences is one of the best I've read in 30+ years of working on issues of gender and race in organizations. I wish it were required reading for everyone in positions of authority
Susan L. Colantuono
From the outset, this book grabs your attention, then weaves the key principles throughout the stories and anecdotes. This is not a book on theory - it's a demonstration of the effectiveness in the application of believable and workable approaches.
K. H. Wilson
I highly recommend this book to anyone needing to clarify relationships within their corporation or institution. It is an excellent book for a class in organizational change and leadership. It is an easy read and would also be helpful to teachers or other individuals involved in training.
Elisa Robyn
The techniques described will help leaders, middle managers, and management students harness the power of self-change, test assumptions about others, clear negative emotions, bridge cultural differences, and deal with difficult situations.
Reference & Research Book News
Simply put, following the road map in this tome could very well mean the difference between success and failure - both personally and professionally.
Michael L. Gooch


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